Sever’s disease
or posterior calcaneus Osteochondrosis
What is Sever’s disease?
It is a growth disorder in the young adolescent (between 8 and 15 years) also called osteochondrosis or posterior apophyseal or apophysitis or calcaneus osteochondritis . During growth, changes in the dimensions of the muscles, tendons and bones do not always occur in a harmonious, regular, symmetrical and constant manner, but sometimes these elements are not synchronous. This disrupts the conjugation cartilage located behind and which is the active zone during growth.
It is a tatalgia that becomes incapacitating causing a lameness, a difficulty in the footing and a reduction of the sporting performance even, an impossibility to practice sport simply. It occurs as a result of weight gain or as a result of intensive and repeated efforts.

Sever’s disease :
Q & A
In the knee, especially in the insertion of the patellar tendon on the growth cartilage of the anterior tibial tuberosity, and is called Osgood-Schlatter disease, or other cartilage growth disease.

Essentially radiological, a comparative X-ray shows an elaboration of the posterior process of calcaneus. It is the differential diagnosis that must be made with a fracture of the calcaneus or post-traumatic apophysial detachment or osteomyelitis.

Rest is the key word of treatment. Sporting rest of course but also discharges the foot if necessary, with canes crutches. Local treatments are efficient: cold water baths, Icing, local NSAIDs, analgesics, silicone heel, basketball with anti-shock sole (containing a layer of air in the sole under the heel). Ecxeptionally: Shock waves by a physiotherapist in severe forms.

Some suggest it especially if there is an achillian tendinitis, but local care, rest and patience are most common.
Essentially radiological, a comparative X-ray shows an elaboration of the posterior process of calcaneus. It is the differential diagnosis that must be made with a fracture of the calcaneus or post-traumatic apophysial detachment or osteomyelitis.
Sever's disease: Terminology
Growth Cartilage: it is a cartilage located in the zone of growth, there are in each bone.
Talalgia: heel pain often associated with micro trauma, irradiated towards the insertion of BP.
Achilles tendinitis: inflammation of the tendon often accompanying this disease whose treatment must take into account the tendon component.